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Canton Soccer Club - Connecticut

Canton Soccer Club - Connecticut

SafeSport Reporting

Public Act No. 21-64

Public Act No. 21-64 mandates that the Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children in Connecticut (GTF):
develop instructional guidelines for youth coaches on best practices for appropriate interaction with youth athletes;
develop child sexual abuse informational guidelines that describe (a) abusers’ grooming techniques, (b) victim behavior, and (c) methods for contacting the appropriate authorities, and (d) methods for victims to tell a parent or other adult if abuse has occurred; and
make both sets of guidelines available on the department’s website.

Connecticut Safe Sport Policy: Child Abuse Prevention

All three of the following documents can be found here:

* Connecticut Safe Sport Policy: Child Abuse Prevention
* Connecticut Grooming Info Sheet
* Camp Counselors Tip Sheet

Mechanism for Reporting:

Everyone listed below MUST be contacted when physical or sexual abuse is suspected

  1. Local Law Enforcement Number: Canton CT PD (860) 693-0221
  2. State Department of Children and Families: (DCF) 1-800-842-2288 (TDD: 1-800-624-5518)
  3. Canton Youth Soccer Association President: Jay DaCruz (413) 244-7013
  4. State Association's Main Office: Josh Krusewski, Executive Director, [email protected]
  5. National Governing Body: US Soccer; via Gary Schoedler & CJSA

US Soccer Integrity Hotline Number: (312) 528 - 7004

US Soccer:

US Center for SafeSport:

US Soccer requires SafeSport training for all of its members. The purpose of this is:

  1. To comply with applicable law
  2. Establish a risk management program to promote the safety of and protect the welfare of the participants
  3. Adopt policies prohibiting sexual abuse

Please click here access the full CJSA policy on SafeSport and how we must comply:

There is a mandated 90 minute online course each CJSA member must take.

To complete training, register as a coach HERE - this must be done each season. IMPORTANT: You must use your legal name

From your member account, click on "begin training" Set aside up to 90 minutes for the initial training course.

In order to complete your course registration, you will receive an email to confirm your email
address. You must respond to this email to activate your account.

Set aside up to 90 minutes for the initial training course. Upon completion print out your
certificate and keep on file.

In addition to the initial training, a refresher course is required on an annual basis effective the
calendar year following the completion of the initial training.


Canton Soccer Club - Connecticut
11 Executive Dr 
Farmington, Connecticut 06032

Email: [email protected]

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